Riya S Roopesh, is a 15 year old portrait sketching artist from Kerela we happen to spot her work on our instagram feed, and we loved it so much that we wanted to feature it. Check it out! Her featured project : Pencil sketching portraits of Johnny Depp and Mallika Singh
Technique She is a self trained artist, and takes all her help from the digital world of content creators. I am a self trained artist, but I learned many things from various artists on social media…I watch many tutorial videos of shading, coloring, blending and so on…To be honest it really helped me a lot to improve my drawing…so I’m not a completely self taught artist. The most important thing is practicing. I love to draw portraits of my favorite personalities who have inspired me in one way or another…so that I could improve my art… Tools Charcoal pencils, white gel pen, brushes for blending, monozero earaser and so on… About the Project : "I love drawing charcoal/ graphite portaits…especially charcoal one. The one reason that inspired me to draw Johnny Depp is his face & costume… I thought it would be nice to draw him in black & white with charcoal pencils… & the major thing is his jack sparrow’s character… I loved that very much…After watching his film…it really inspired me to draw him…that’s the story behind this work.. Her Style and Explorations : At an early age of 15 she is already contributing as a content creator – “Recently I started to make the process video of my works…I thought it would help all who love drawing…” She has won 2 prizes in drawing competition conducted in her locality.. All my family members are supporting me very much…especially my Father..he is the one who buys me all the art materials which I need….Mentioning the tools which I used for making this portrait – Special thanks to Stuti for sharing my work.. I wish to keep drawing as my passion…